We offer a range of free resources to assist new and existing clients including a new client pack (with free resources), developer toolkit and more.

Contact us: ( for a copy.

General Advice Warning and Disclaimer

This website and links within the website contain information that is general in nature. No person should act on that information without seeking personal advice that considers your needs, objectives and personal circumstance.

The information is not client advice until client advice is given to you. Information may be outdated or subject to actual, proposed or planned change.

Information Provided By Third Parties

Links to third party websites are provided for convenience. Price Accounting Services Pty Ltd does not offer a warranty as to the accuracy of any third party websites and their content. If you consider any third party website content is inappropriate please contact us.

The Client Portal is a third party service integrated into our software. We do not warrant the service will be available 24/7 and it is not a permanent storage facility. Documents uploaded to the client portal could be deleted, corrupted or damaged and we do not warrant rectification. Clients should retain a copy of any document uploaded to or downloaded from the client portal.

Copyright Notice

All videos, checklists, logos and resources and strategies are property of Price Accounting Services Pty Ltd. They may be freely distributed and used in their complete content provided no alterations whatsoever are made and acknowledgement is given to the Copyright author.  Devices have been included included in some works including our checklists and toolkits which assist identification of violation.

Property Chat logo and images are used with permission. Price Accounting Services Pty Ltd has no ownership, control or interests in Property Chat (